New Book Reveals...
How To Awaken Your Life Purpose Without Cosmic Overwhelm
👩🏼‍💻From Saoirse Clare
💫 The Starseed Coach

Hi there, Starseed! ✨
If you’d like to rapidly uplevel your reality, this will be the most important book you’ll ever read.
Here's why...
I’m going to reveal a BRAND NEW framework for understanding how to maximize your life as an awakened Starseed living on Earth in our new timeline…

👽 and it has nothing to do with figuring out what planet you’re from.

This life-affirming book will teach you why our concept of Starseeds has been so outdated and "woo" up to this point...

...and why it's so important for you to embrace the call now to learn more about this system that will change your life and integrate your true purpose for coming to Earth during this unprecedented time in human history. 

👆But First, A Warning:

The system I explain in this book has allowed me to create extraordinary abundance in my life and rid myself of toxic doubt and shame…but I’m not suggesting that you’ll have the same result overnight. 

The truth is, integrating any sort of universal knowledge into your core being is a lot of work. Awakening to your true purpose and life mission entails risk as well as consistent action. 

There are also concepts I suggest in this book that are the complete opposite of what we have been taught about Starseed origins. Depending on where you are on your journey as a Starseed, you may be a bit shocked 🤯

If you’re not willing to accept a new reality please 🤚DO NOT GET THIS BOOK. 

With that being said, let me jump right in and show you...

Exactly What You're Getting
First of all, this isn’t like any typical “personality report” you’ve ever read. 💩

This is your cosmic blueprinta message passed down through a divine channel for all willing Starseeds to hear. 

All of the tactics included in this book were specifically assembled to accelerate your ascension process and facilitate awakening.
👇Here's Just A Fraction Of What's Inside...
  • You need to be “enlightened” to be a Starseed, right? Wrong! The one thing you need to do to start embracing your inner truth is simpler than you think.  
  • 8 ways to master multidimensionality
  • ​How to eliminate confusion on your path to ascension
  • ​The truth about ancient Starseeds
  • What to do if you’re not getting the results you want in your life
Exactly where to look in your cosmic blueprint to locate your core life purpose! (p.12)
  • What you should never do if you want to live in alignment with your Starseed Archetype
  • Say goodbye to being limited by the third dimension! Take back your power & reinforce divine boundaries
  • Why deciding NOT to master all aspects of awakening is the key to living the life you desire   
  • How to eliminate fear so you can awaken without doubt or confusion  
  • What to do if you feel out of alignment with your purpose
Why focusing on your astrological chart is the WRONG way to figure out your Starseed origins, and what you should do instead… (p.23)
  • How to recognize your inner authority so you can make clearer decisions
  • The one major shift that will make your life as a Starseed easier
  • When it’s ok to hang out in the 3D matrix
  • Why your Starchetype was designed to live an abundant and magical life 
  • How to communicate effectively and leverage your primary realm of influence
  • ​Understand how to live a fulfilling daily life by finally serving others the way you were meant to
  • 10 ways to supercharge your Starseed intuition so you can rapidly achieve your goals and manifest your desires
  • A nifty little quiz that will help you discover your unique Starseed Archetype so you can start living your purpose and mission immediately
💭 You're right...there's a lot of potent and life-affirming information inside of this book! 

And I'm just getting started, because you're also getting...

Order now and you'll also receive...

3 Exclusive Advanced Bonuses
At the end of the book, you're also getting these powerful bonuses you can start using TODAY:
Bonus 1: Activation Transmission
If you’ve ever struggled to listen to your guides, this activation is for you. 🔮

Use this potent audio transmission to instantly tap into your psychic abilities (yes, you have them!) and use them to make massive positive changes in your life and the lives of others.
Bonus 2: Crystal Grid Toolbox
Uplevel your Starseed connection immediately by charging your energy field properly. 💎

Even if you currently work with crystals, you may be working with the wrong ones for your Starchetype! Find out which ones to use and how with this complementary guide. 
Bonus 3: FREE Access to the Mission Map Mastery Course (A $197.00 Value!)
So you've discovered your Starchetype and are feeling major high-vibes from reading the book... now what? 🤷‍♀️

Learn the exact method for making the most out of your Starchetype's gifts and anchor a new frequency into your 3D reality with my course, Mission Map Mastery! 

In this online video course, you will learn how to apply your unique Starchetype Mission Map to every aspect of your daily life in a fun and informative way. We know that when Starseeds have fun, their consciousness expands - so let's harness the transformational power of play with this interactive course! 🎡

With five video lessons and a personalized Starchetype resource portal, this course will help you understand why working with your Mission Map is important, and how leveraging it in your daily activities will help you avoid cosmic overwhelm and burnout on the ascension path. 

Mission Map Mastery retails for $197.00 on my website, but I'd like to offer it to you for FREE as my way of thanking you for saying YES to going deeper into your Starchetype journey.

"Mission Map Mastery helped me figure out how to live from my Starchetype (Steward!) after reading the book. I started noticing shifts in my life right after I finished working with the Alignment Matrix... THANK YOU! I feel ready to serve my purpose with TRUE clarity now."

- Grace P.


"I love how the emphasis is on this current incarnation and discovering our gifts and mission...the result was mindbogglingly accurate!"

- Alexia R.

"Reading the book felt like a confirmation, reaffirming what I already felt was true and anchoring me into the freedom of being exactly who I came here to be. So powerful, thank you!"

- Heather M.

"Brilliantly streamed through as clear & precise..."

- Belinda L. 

"It was like the little universe angels who created me wrote this for me."

- Taylor A.

"This book validated so much about what forces I connect with, what is my mission, and why I always felt the way I feel."

- Winnie T.

"I feel so deeply aligned with my Starchetype and know this message was meant for me"

- Stacey T.

Step Into The Best Version Of Your Reality!
You are getting the EXACT TEMPLATE handed to me through the cosmos that I’ve used to create unprecedented levels of abundance in my life and make significant impact in the lives of other Starseeds who are yearning to know more about their inner mystery. 

There are literally hundreds of oracles who you could pay top dollar in order to receive a “reading” of your Starseed lineage... which may or may not give you the full truth.  

It is my life mission to stop awakening Starseeds of making the critical mistake of placing too much emphasis on “where” they came from, instead of discovering why they are here now. 

This book takes all of the “guesswork” out of this process and puts you on the fast track to claiming your sovereign place in the universe.

So, if you’re ready to quickly embody the highest version of your soul consciousness, close outdated karmic loops, and accomplish your life’s mission…

Here's What To Do Next
The “cost” of this book is $27, and you get it instantly as a download. 📲

As soon as you place your order, you’ll receive an email with a link to download the entire book.

You can access it anywhere, immediately, and it’s yours to keep forever, without having to wait for mail delivery.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering…

There Is No Catch!
If you’re thinking “$27 is pretty inexpensive for this book and all of the bonuses included...what’s the catch?” then here are three reasons why I offer the book at this low price that should put your mind at ease:

1. $27 puts this important information (and all of the information included in the bonus materials) within the reach of everyone. It is my mission to change the lives of as many Starseeds as possible with this framework.🙂

2. It weeds out freebie-seekers. I can tell you with certainty that the amount of energy it took to receive, channel, transmute, and birth an entirely new paradigm of operation for Starseeds was immense. This book is only meant for serious people ready to take massive action to receive this sacred work. In my experience, charging anything (even if it’s just $1) helps send the spiritual tire-kickers on their way. 🙈

3. I’m also cool like that...and I like to hook up my friends – I hope we can be friends 👯

But that’s it...just the information you need and the results you want.

No fine weird oracle reading in a musty old basement...more info, less “woo”.

I’m giving you this full 121-page book, plus three exclusive bonuses, for $27 USD, to gift you with the inner wisdom you need to be grounded, aligned, clear, and defined EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

No more Starseed struggle. No more playing small. No more hiding your superpowers.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind…

Time Is Of The Essence ⏳

Because in most cases, I lose money when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $41.00 in advertising costs just to reach one person with their unique Starchetype result!

So why would I do that? 🤷🏼 Especially when I’ve been told the value of what’s inside of this book is easily worth hundreds of dollars?

Simple. I am so passionate about educating the hundreds of thousands of Starseeds on this planet right now that I have no choice but to pay for advertising. And, my idea is that you will identify so deeply with the contents of this book today that you can use my guidance with enacting your mission in the future. 

And by the way, even though you’re paying a ridiculously low price - you’re still protected by…

Here's my promise to you...
I guarantee that you’ll love this book and all of your bonuses or it's all yours for FREE.

Yep! That’s right.

Try reading this book today and if you don’t begin to experience a deeper level of inner awareness within the first 30 days of integrating the contents into your life – I’ll promptly return your money.

This is the fairest way I know to prove to you how valuable this book is.
So there’s only two paths you can take:

Path 1: You invest $27 today and receive the affirmation you’ve been longing for so you can drop the Starseed struggle and start living an abundant life


Path 2: You order your book today and realize it’s not your thing. If that’s the case, simply drop us an e-mail and the report and bonuses are completely FREE.

Sound fair?

So you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

With all that said, here is ONE thing to keep in mind…

Thanks for taking the time to check this out and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Saoirse Clare✨ The Starseed Coach

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me🙃) who just skip to the end of the page, here’s the deal:

I’m offering you a 121-page book that gives you an in-depth explanation of your Starseed Archetype (a.k.a. Starchetype) so you can start living your life in full alignment with your divine cosmic mission.

The book is $27 USD.

Plus, you’re also getting THREE exclusive advanced bonuses:

Bonus 1: Activation Transmission

Bonus 2: Crystal Grid Toolbox

Bonus 3: FREE Enrollment in Mission Map Mastery (a $197.00 Value!)

These bonuses I’m giving you are going to make it faster and easier for you to integrate your multidimensional essence into your life so you can rapidly co-create your desired reality.

This is a very limited offer because I lose money on advertising costs for the Starchetype book.

There’s no will not be signing up to any “trial” or subscription program when you order the book. 

In fact, if you don’t like the book let me know and I will even give you back the $27. You don’t even need to send the book back.

Click the button below and get your copy now. You won’t regret it. 👇


"I was pleasantly surprised that such a short, simple quiz could determine my Starchetype. Then I read the book and felt like I was coming home. THANK YOU for this incredible work."

- William C.

"Your work has helped so many to also join in the awakening."

- Alecia R.

"A thousand blessings and high-fives...I appreciate your work and the Spirit that guides you."

- James

"Thanks for publishing this system, I asked the universe for help as to my purpose and it showed me to you!"

"Today must have been my activation day as your teachings arrived in divine timing."

- Jennie S.

"Thank you for helping me to identify and validate my place and mission."

- April B.

"I am truly grateful for you!! ...Your book is incredible and the messages are undeniable. My soul sisters and I resonate so very deeply with our Starchetypes."

- Daisy

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